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COTC Online News   October 30, 2016

How to Bring Heaven to Earth -
An Experience That Totally Changed My Life

   by: Rev. Ivan Augusto Gil, AM PP,

One year ago my beloved wife Ligia passed away and I was devastated. We had the most beautiful relationship that I ever had seen. We were playful, tender and romantic all the time. The last 3 years we were able to live up to 3 months without a single argument.

Sometimes we even asked: “how much time passed since the last argument?” It was almost perfect. But it was not perfect.

Sometimes I was caught in the web of energies from the system and got afraid of little stupid things. She was always faithful; but I didn't have her level of confidence, at least not all the time.  [ Prior Article, September 2, 2015 ]

On August 30, 2016, out of my desire to overcome my sadness for the death of my wife, I called and asked Reverends James and Angela to let me stay with them for a few days, and they were so kind to me to say yes.

They suggested that we pray together to ask the Heavenly Father for the best date for me to be there and I received that my travel date was not so important, but being there on September 29, 2016, was of great importance. Rev.  Angela also received something similar so I bought the tickets and started making plans for the trip to Southern Oregon.

When I got to Medford, Oregon I was one day late because I had a lot of trouble with my flights, but I persisted and I finally got there.

Rev. James was waiting for me at the airport and the first thing that surprised me was that as soon as we got into the car, he asked me “whether it was in harmony with me” that we prayed to disconnect and disengage from the energies of the people in the planes and the airports, and also from all the thought forms, energies created in my own self for the delays and all the trouble getting there. I didn't understand what he was talking about, but I said “yes” because I love and trust my friend and I knew that he wouldn't be asking if that were not important. Later I had a lot of opportunity to understand how important this was.

The praying was beautiful and powerful. I always have admired the potency of his prayers and the effect that they have in my inner self. Every time that I pray with him or with him and his wife Angela, I feel a lot of Heavenly energies and most of the times I have visions, or hear messages, or both. This time was not an exception and I got a message telling me that I had a mission on this trip, and that that mission will unfold as we work together.

Rev. James asked me if I received anything,  I was afraid of revealing my message, mostly because it could sound too proud, so it was kind of embarrassing for me. On one hand I didn't want to lie but in the other hand it will sound too proud if I say it. Still he is my friend so I told him exactly what I received, and he said something like: “Yes, it is true, you have a mission here and it will unfold as we work together”. He was smiling and I was thinking “James knows something that I don't know.”

A little later we arrived at their home, an RV. That was exciting for me because I never had spent time in an RV. I was in one of them for a minute once and for 10 minutes in other time, so this was totally new for me.

Reverend Angela opened the door and I almost didn't recognize her. Last time that I saw her was probably 10+ years ago, and I was expecting her to be older, but she looked actually younger. Also I realized at that moment that we never shared more than a few minutes together, and I was about to live in her home for one week! “Ivan, what were you thinking when you planned this trip?”, “what made you think that you can get along with Angela when you don't even know her?”... these thoughts were crossing my mind and I was panicking a little bit... but I was already there.

When I see this in perspective I don't recognize myself. That was so not me! I would never do something like that. I would have booked a hotel near their home, rented a car, planned to spend some days with them, some with myself... but this! I don't know how that even happened!

Any ways James went somewhere, probably outside of the RV, and Angela and I sat on the couch and started talking:

- Ivan, you lost a lot of weight since the last time that I saw you! - Angela said.
- And you look younger than the last time that I saw you – I replied, tension in the air!
- How long has it been?, 10? 12 years? - asked her, trying really hard to make me feel comfortable.
- I don't know... it was in an event in a hotel in Miami, few months after my Ordination... - I said, trying to make her feel comfortable too.

This was the beginning for the most perfect exchange of support between the three of us. We were all the time trying to make the others comfortable, confident, and happy.

We were together for 8 days and there was not a single argument, the energy became better and better every day. Our prayers were so potent than I frequently jumped in my chair from the intensity of the alignments that I was receiving. Many times I jumped probably more than 5 times in a single prayer, also every day when I went to bed I will feel my chakras spinning really strongly, and every night I woke up several times with my body vibrating, healing energy all around me.

It was an experience that changed the way that I see life and my Mission on this planet.

Here are according to my perception the keys on how to duplicate this experience:

1. We have to be faithful and feel in the presence of God all the time.
2. We must pray concisely, clearly stating our names, dates of birth, complete accurate physical location or address, our intention to Align with the Godhead - preferably using 2 or 3 names of God to avoid confusion - through the Beings of Light who are helping humanity (The Office of the Christ), our petition, and then decreeing: “Divine Right Order®, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth”, which is a decree that comes from parts received by Reverends Grace and James years ago and further witnessed in the The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch –  by J.J. Hurtak.
3. We have to stay in the now, all the time. If at any moment somebody slips onto talking about an experience from the past, we can Behold the person without involving our self emotionally, and then the one who was talking should pray to God and Michael to help to heal, seal, disconnect, and disengage from all the people, thought forms and energies from the story.
4. We pay attention to use everything correctly. The Right Use of the spoken words is as important as the Right Use of anything else. Sometimes even more important.
5. We protect our GRID, Merkabah of Light. In our case we were three people of like mind, so we were holding a grid of three. If at any moment I felt the need to call my kids, but at that moment let’s say that Angela was talking to her mother, James and I will wait, Beholding her consciously, so she can be the best version of herself on that conversation.
6. If we notice that someone in the GRID is getting distracted, for example, he or she is mis-creating by using the spoken word, we will mentally decree “Divine Right Order®”, if this doesn't stop the disturbance, then we will point it out politely and help the person to disconnect from that activity and its energies.
7. We will use the sensors in our body to feel the other people in the GRID. This is just a matter of being present and you will notice your body telling you that something needs adjustment. For example, one day I was in the RV making calls to move the appointments for my clients to a future date. I also called my mother and my kids. I had already made probably 5 calls when I literally felt Angela – who was probably ten miles away in a clinic - asking me to please give her a rest, so I prayed asking for help to disconnect from all the people that I was in contact with in my calls, and after that I was more careful, making at the most 3 calls and then disconnecting.
8. We treat everything with love. In our case, from the RV, nicely called “Rafael”, to the kitties and off course, to the other people in the GRID. If there was something that I could do for anyone of them, it would be my pleasure and happiness to do such a thing. It is obvious that if in a group, everyone is looking after the others, there is plenty of love, help and support coming towards every one of them, including you too.
9. And if all the experienced revelations were not enough to create a change, here is something absolutely revolutionary: We consciously do everything “for who we are and who we represent”. For example, I brought just a few pants and at certain point I only had one left to use, but I didn't want to use it because it was a camouflaged pant. It appeared to me that it will disturb the GRID to use something that represents war, but James shared for consideration: “If you use it for who you are and who you represent, all your good decisions, thoughts and actions will be in representation of those wearing military uniforms, can you imagine the good that you will be doing?” This is a wonderful tool. We can for example pray asking for discernment on something, for who we are and who we represent and if we are fathers, all fathers in this planet will be receiving discernment, we are also sons, so all the sons will benefit, if we are of certain race, faith, skin color, etc, all those with similar characteristics will be receiving the benefits of our prayers. That is how a few ones could create Heaven on Earth. According to James, we need only 24 like-minded individuals representing every single group of people in this planet 12 men and 12 women, representatives of each tribe - and in a few years our actions, thoughts and prayers will bring Heaven to Earth.
10. Lastly but not less important, we tried to have fun out of everything we did, including the most refreshing sessions of respectful jokes and laughing.

This is a summary of one of the most amazing sharing experiences I ever had, and I hope that it will inspire you to look for the training's – probably in the format of spiritual retreats - that are about to come on how to Bring Heaven to Earth. Check the events page frequently on our site

Another Perspective from within the Merkabah - GRIDS

COTC National Office, the Ministerial Unit, received a telephone request for a Collective Alignment, through telephone Conference, from Rev. Ivan Gil, COTC Associate Minister, on 8-26-16. We Collectively Aligned with Ivan, asking within and through The Office Of The Christ, for guidance, "Action Aligned to what is highest and best for the Whole of Creation."  Ivan received he was to travel and spend some time with the Ministerial Unit at COTC National Headquarters, Church/Home, Southern Oregon, to be there by September 29, 2016. There was witness to his timing and we all received he was to be present about one week. We received his visit was to include travel  to Mt. Shasta and Crater Lake.

20161001RevGil BigSpringsMtShasta400wWe were touched by the action of an Associate Minster, in this case Ivan, receiving something individually and then seeking Collective Prayer, Multi-Dimensional Alignment, Witness and Balance, action guided and synchronized to Divine Will, Divine Wisdom.

Ivan’s plane was delayed and he had to spend the night in San Francisco, so he arrived at 10:00 am September 29, the exact timing of the TE-TA-MA Governing Council Body Meeting was due to convene. With agreement by all, the meeting was rescheduled for later in the day, there was great witness to Ivan’s arrival timing.

Immediately, with three people consciously Aligning multi-dimension-ally, through choice our Heavenly Counterparts were gathered in support. There were intense Infusions, healing, and joyful celebration of Homecoming. In many ways, words cannot adequately express all the many synchronizations, Divine Infusions and gifts, received and witnessed by all.

There was a lot that went on during Ivan’s visit, including a “mini version” of the COTC/TE-TA-MA Conference that was a possibility and probability through the invitations to 24 to attend the Annual Governing Council Body Meeting, COTC Seminars™, etc. We shared short versions of the COTC Path™ and GRIDS Accord Seminars™, asking for infusion, healing to all Associate Ministers and Pastoral Pastors.

20161003RevGil RevsURICraterLake400wOn 10-1-16 we went to Mt. Shasta and Ivan was Ordained, witnessed as a Pastoral Pastor, TE-TA-MA. There were many gifts lined up along the way. On 10-3-16 we went to Crater Lake; she revealed herself only briefly before the snow began to fall. The following day, 10-4-16 Rev. Ivan Augusto Gil Botero was witnessed as a voting member to the Governing Council Body, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc.

We all experienced the unconditional love and beauty of living and serving in harmony – anchoring further Melchizedek Community of Light. Rev. Gil, his expression, words above indicate understanding of the Principles & Practices of the Church. He in his own unique way  conveys understanding of Divine Law, as demonstrated by Our Beloved Brother Jesus, "one can and does represent the Whole, when Choosing, Witnessed and Divinely Commisioned as the representative."

We are delighted and excited to continue our Collective Service with Ivan. It is through his open heart, willingness, and choices that allowed the pillar of Light to come forth so beautifully. Ivan departed Medford, OR on 10-7-16, following delays due to hurricane Matthew.

Please keep Ivan in prayer, Behold his prefection, as he has consciously stepped forward, choosing, therefore Chosen, to Manifest his  Divine Commissions and Mission, representative in form, upon our Beloved Planet Earth. We stand in witness to his strong soul, inner and outer preparation of our Beloved Brother Rev. Ivan Augusto Gil Botero.

May God Bless Us All!

Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI, Ministerial Unit/TE-TA-MA