Parent Category: Publications

February 10, 2018

Invitation to Participate

Teleconference Call

Dear Colleagues,

Received and witnessed by those attending the January 6, 2018 Collective Teleconference Call, “let’s do this more frequently."

COTC National Council through Alignment, has responded and scheduled:

Teleconference Call - Your participation counts.

Date: Saturday, February 17, 2018
Time: 3:00pm ET; 2:00pm CT; 1:00pm MT; Noon PT & 4:00pm AT (Puerto Rico)
Please phone into the COTC Teleconference Room as follows:
Dial: 605-475-4825
Enter Access Code: 160421#

• Alignment within and through The Office Of The Christ
• Aligned Overview of current Coordinates within the Divine Plan
• Alignment, Request Overview from Above the Weave and Tapestry, Probabilities & Possibilities for 2018
• Actions needed now to set new Agenda – Patterns, Actions, Coordination’s for 2018 Co-Creation – Agenda & Frequency of Teleconference Calls

Please, 30 minutes consciousness preparation before the Conference Call:


We need, our communities need, our country needs and our planet needs our Collective intention, infusion of Trinitized Trinities of Light.

The Gateway or Portal between Heaven and Earth has been Anointed, opened more fully as the Priesthood made manifest, issued the Clarion Call to Become “Fishers of Men.”  Mark 1:17 “And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men’.” The Risen Christ, Church and Women's Apostolic Corps/Core, those dedicated to Collective Service of the Divine Plan… And this was and is our commission: 'All power (authority) has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.' And this was and is our commission: 'Go ye, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." This is our service and commission. We are being called upon to be courageous and step out and Herald, Affirm, Teach and Sanctify the Principles and Teachings of our Beloved Brother Christ Jesus. Spirituality is not something you learn – it’s something you experience. We must not just sit, listen or read. We must live the lessons, the Principles & Practices, demonstrate to others. That’s how it comes alive – and when the real Miracles start raining down. And….it is the time for Miracles!

In Oneness Of Service -
Within And Through The Office Of The Christ,

Revs. Drs. Lourdes Rivera Torres, Angela Magdalene URI, James Germain URI

COTC National Council