Manifesting Heaven On Earth

"A vehicle to bring unification of Christ Expressions into One Collective Assemblage. Recognizing Planet Earth to be our Heavenly Parent's Church, each Christed Being is a complete Temple, a House of God, a living brick within Church Of The Creator.® "      

DoveStarSeal Church Of The Creator Copyright 1982 150h


Beloved Colleagues,

Many human beings are celebrating "Father’s Day," reflecting upon, adjusting their relationship with the bloodline Patriarch of the physical family, present or departed, known or unknown.

Our lineage, the physical aspects, seed of the DNA, within the co-creative joining with the Mother, encodes the structure of the Human Body, the vehicle necessary to experience this realm of Creation. The Divine Blueprint, requirement of collective participation, the combination of the Male/Female Co-Creative DNA, gift, create the common thread at the root of the vehicle to "experience," in this plane and dimension. Our physical Fathers, Mothers, extended physical/spiritual families, may be of great support, or they may be totally unknown or absent, or countless other variants, scenarios of human relationships.

The experience, life we live, very quickly become unique, the encoded, planned, path, adjusted by human free-will choice, our choices and the choices of others, a Divine Gift. We co-create, individually and Collectively our Human Universe, as we evolve to a wiser, more peaceful estate of existence, combination of Soul Path Planning, experience and free-will choice.

The request today, is to Re-Member, Celebrate, adjust the Spiritual Component of our Human Experience, the Soul Plan agreed upon before entry into the Human Body.  The contract, Covenant, Spiritually Commissioned, LifeStream Representatives, made with our Heavenly Father/Mother God, to do something while we are here. Re-Member, set the example, go beyond the personal circumstances we choose/chose, through human free-will, "drinking the cup" no matter how difficult the experience.

The Key words are "beyond personal." In other words, as LifeStream Representatives, we promised to serve Collectively for who we are and who we represent, live the example of our Beloved Brother Christ Jesus, within the Collective Patterns set within his relationship with the supporting cast at that time, more specifically the Women's Apostolic Core, the co-creative feminine principle upon which he depended.

The Father's Promise to All His Children depends upon the Cast of Characters, he sent to demonstrate, be the example. It is "God's Trust In US" our individual and Collective Promised to our Heavenly Parents, Collective Demonstration, living within the Christ Body, demonstrate Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

The Father’s Song To His Children

Beyond that individual representation, How are we doing Collectively, Aligned, Synchronized with our Multidimensional Counterparts?  Are we working Collectively, Aligning, Synchronizing, asking together, for guidance, coordinating our efforts, what are the next steps, highest and best for the Whole of Creation?

TE-TA-AM/COTC has many tools to help facilitate the Collective effort, communication, synchronization.  Align, Receive, and Take Action!

In Oneness of Service,

COTC National


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